30 Days of Gratitude

Gratitude turns what we have into enough

Melody Beattie

Having a heart of gratitude is so important when figuring out how to balance the craziness of life! Being grateful for all the blessings in your life can really help you make it through your day-to-day.

Each day during the month of November, I’ll share one part of my life I’m grateful for via my social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter). I’ll also re-cap in my weekly newsletter.

I encourage you to join me by also posting the things in your life you’re grateful for throughout the month, on whichever platform you choose. Tag your posts with #wmd30daysofgratitude each day so that I can follow along with you!

To make things a little easier, you can also get a free printable 30 Days of Gratitude Calendar to keep track of the awesome parts of your life. Write them down all at once and reflect on one each day during the month of November. Or write one down as we go, day-by-day.

Whichever way you choose, be intentional about actually writing everything down in this one spot, so that you can reflect on your special blessings year-round.