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Are you the type that makes resolutions each year? Or do you just kinda go with the flow and laugh at those of us who do? My husband and I were talking briefly the other day about the New Year. We still need to come up with our specific goals. But, he mentioned one word for the New Year that I totally agree with. That one word has become my one resolution for 2020 – CONSISTENCY.

I don’t know about you, but I have a lot of routines set up. As a working wife and mom with 5 kids, it’s a must. The routines aren’t the problem. It’s actually sticking to them that I struggle with. I have bursts where I stick to my routines and general plans. And those are probably some of the easiest times in my life. But, once I start to stray from those, I find myself drowning. Not getting anything done. Not making any progress. So, this year, my one goal is to be more consistent.

I know exactly what I’m supposed to do to be successful. It’s actually pretty foolish of me to know exactly what I need to do to be calm, at peace, and to have less stress – yet not do it on a regular basis.

So, this year, things have to change.

Who’s with me?

Balanced Mom Starter Guide


Feeling overwhelmed by your endless “To Do” Lists? Our Balanced Mom Starter Guide will show you how to start feeling more balanced in just 4 easy steps. And it’s free for a limited time!


Here are a few things I know I need to be more consistent with this year:

Preparing the night before

This saves so much time and hassle in the mornings when we’re getting ready for work and school. I don’t have to worry about finding or getting things ready at the last minute when things are laid out the night before. I’m also better prepared for last-minute mishaps in the morning (which always happen).

Waking up early

My morning quiet time alone is so sacred. I use this time for reading my bible, praying, working out, and maybe doing some writing. It’s when I can sneak in some self-care before everybody wakes up. But, I find myself hitting the snooze button way more often than I should. I end up having to cut out that quiet time and rush right into getting everyone ready for the day. And I pay the price, when I feel overwhelmed the rest of the day.

Making it to work on time

This is directly tied to sticking to my nightly and morning routines. If I do what I’m supposed to the night before and the morning of, I can make it out the house and to work on time. Without the big rush and stress that comes with the process.

Sticking to my cleaning routine

If I stay on top of the kids doing their chores, and my regular daily cleaning, I can save myself the hassle of having to do huge, exhausting cleanings when I really don’t feel like it. It also saves my sanity. A clean house makes me feel a whole lot lighter and happier.

Sticking to my laundry schedule

Do you have any hampers full of laundry to be washed right now? Or clean clothes piled in laundry baskets that need to be folded? I just spent time today folding 3 laundry baskets full of clothes because I slacked on my washing and folding over the holidays. If I stick to my regular schedule of washing/folding 1-2 loads a day, I can save myself from this hassle! Especially since doing laundry for a full house is one of my LEAST favorite things in the world.

Sticking to our homework routine

My kids’ homework schedule can sometimes be thrown off because of their activities. But, they know what’s expected of them. They know what’s supposed to happen every night. But, just like me, they slack sometimes. When they stick to their routine, homework can get done early. Then, they have free time left to do what they want before bedtime. They also have time to get their book bags and lunch boxes ready for the next day – which again makes our morning routine a whole lot easier.

Finishing my work at work

I’m lucky enough to have a position where I can finish most of my work at work most days. But, sometimes I slack or get distracted during the day. Then I to finish up my work at home. This messes up my evening routine, and just adds to my stress. Life is just better when I leave work at work.

Sticking to my Dinner Rotation

When things get busy, I tend to slack on my meal-planning and dinner rotation. We end up eating out or having meals that just aren’t as well balanced as they could be. Just like everything else, if I stick to the plans I already have laid out, I have less stress, and one less thing to worry about. We also eat better and save a lot of money!


What about you?


What things are you already doing that would push you closer to your goals or make your life easier if you were just most consistent with them? What’s your one word for 2020? Let me know in the comments below!


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As busy working wives and moms, we make goals to improve ourselves every New Year. I'll share with you why my one resolution for 2020 is consistency.
Balanced Mom Starter Guide


Feeling overwhelmed by your endless “To Do” Lists? Our Balanced Mom Starter Guide will show you how to start feeling more balanced in just 4 easy steps. And it’s free for a limited time!

If you love these tips, be sure to check out my 170+ page digital library, filled with step-by-step instructions and  the tools you need to create effective routines, manage your time, prepare meals,  clean your home, care for your kids – and so much more!

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