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Believe it or not…the holidays are right around the corner! Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanza, New Year’s. The year has really flown by, I know! If you’re anything like me, you probably made “healthy” resolutions at the beginning of the year, and were completely blindsided by COVID and all the happenings of 2020. 

You may have started working from home, which means you’re less active than you’re used to. Even your usual baseline activity of walking to the car or walking around at work just isn’t happening. Plus, gyms were closed for a while, so your regular workout plan may have fallen to the side. 

And let’s not forget the fact that being home also probably means more meals and snacks because everything just RIGHT THERE. No set schedule. Plus the stress-eating of the pandemic. 

And it’s not just you – I’m sure your kids have probably suffered a bit, too. Especially if they’re still virtual-schooling like mine. Sports and extra-curricular activities are likely still cancelled or are so modified that they aren’t worth participating in anymore.

Our lifestyles may not be as healthy as we’re used to. But it’s not too late to make a change. Especially before the food and sweets of the holidays come around. I’m right here with you!

So here are a few suggestions for finishing the year strong, and staying healthy in spite of the holidays.

Make a plan and stick to it

I know the best way to make sure I get something done is to actual write it down in my calendar. If I don’t block time out, it ends up just getting jumbled and forgotten in the midst of everything else that seems more “important”

So if you want to get back to exercising or being active, be sure to schedule time for it on your calendar. Whether it’s before work, during your lunch break, or after work. Make a plan, block out time in your schedule, write it down, and stick to it.

Plan your meals

Going along with planning your physical activity, I also recommend meal planning. I’ve found that my family eats a whole lot healthier when I cook at home, and when I’m intentional about the meals we eat. I share my easy dinner planning rotation in this post. And you can grab my dinner rotation worksheets here to make your dinner planning easier and more balanced for you and your family.

I know how busy things can get when we’re planning and buying things for the holidays. It tends to be easier to just order out or grab a quick meal on the go. Or to pile on the carbs, or grab that last slice of pie or cake. But, resist the temptation! (Believe me, I know food is one of the hardest areas when it comes to staying healthy in spite of the holidays).

If you’re a busy working wife and mom, Check out my Resource Library for more awesome working mom resources.

Set a goal

Goal-setting is huge driver of change. It was once said:

If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail

Benjamin Franklin

I know I’m more productive when I have goals for my life – whether it’s for the year, the month, the week, the day, or the hour. I encourage you to spend some time thinking about your “healthy” goals for the year. It’s not too late. If you’d like to lose weight, how much would you like to lose before the end of the year? Do you have a goal for the number of times you want to exercise per week? Or the amount of time you want to spend exercising? You could even set goals for the number of repetitions of specific exercises, or the amount of weight you’d like to lift. I use the Fitbod app for setting exercise goals, exercise suggestions, and tracking my progress. I love it because it has suggestions both with and without equipment. You can get 3 free workouts by signing up here.

It’s not too late to get back on track with the goals you initially set for 2020.

Get outside

Getting outside does wonders for both your physical and emotional health. It’s hard feeling like you’re trapped inside all day, staring at the same walls (and people!) all day long. So, get outside for some fresh air. Go for a walk or run. Encourage your kids to get out, too. Find fun games to play together. Fit in some of the activities they love but can’t do with a team right now.

If you’re a busy woman looking for simple ways to nurture your relationships, grab my FREE Nourishment Planner. It includes 60 ways to nurture your marriage, your kids, and yourself.

Now’s the time to get back on your exercise grind. Even if your gym is still closed (or you just don’t feel safe going, like me), you can still find a ton of ways to exercise at home – both inside and outside.

Focus on your mental health

Remember, your mental health is just as important as your physical health! Don’t let 2020 take it’s toll on you. While you’re focusing on getting your physical health back on track, be intentional about quiet, alone time. And doing things that you enjoy for yourself. I know how easy it is to get wrapped up taking care of everyone else that you forget about yourself – especially during the holidays!

Set realistic limits

We’ve all had a pretty crazy year. No matter who or where you are, I’m sure things haven’t gone as planned. So, while I do want you to set goals and make a plan to end the year stronger and healthier than you are right now – I also realize that there’s likely still a lot going on in your corner of the world. So while you’re setting your goals and making your plan, I want you to be realistic about it all. If you know you only have 30 minutes to spare for a quick workout, then don’t try to plan a 2-hour session. If you know your typical rate of weight loss is about 1 pound every 1-2 weeks, then don’t set a goal of 20 pounds of weight loss before the end of the year.

When you set realistic goals, you’re more likely to reach them. And reaching your goals is motivation to keep on moving to bigger, better goals. But, if you don’t reach your goals the first time around, please give yourself a break, re-focus, and start all over again. It’s the holiday season, after all. We’re all in this together!

To get started, be sure to grab my free printable Goal Planner below. It’s a huge time-saver, and will help you plan and make progress towards your goals. Just drop your e-mail below and it’ll be delivered right to your inbox!

Want to remember this?

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This year has thrown off our goals, with COVID-19. With 2020 coming to an end, here are tips for staying healthy in spite of the holidays.

Do you have any other tips for staying healthy in spite of the holidays? I’d love to hear them! Just leave them in the comments below!

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