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I’ve known this man for over half of my life. 23 years to be exact. He and I met when I was only 13, in our church’s youth group. We were best friends from the beginning, and were inseparable for years. After all these years, I could make a huge list of reasons why I love my husband.

While we were in high school, and he was working “high school” jobs, he still managed to always make me feel special. He would buy me food (the way to my heart!), gifts, and just always wanted to spend as much time with me as he could. I remember looking forward to meeting in the hallway, while changing classes – even for a few seconds – just to say hi.

My husband is my biggest supporter, provider, and best friend. Read on to find out why I love my husband the most - just for his ability to keep it real.
An oldie but a goodie. Us, May 1999

Unfortunately, though, we went our separate ways in college. I was married to someone else, divorced, but we soon reunited. He was always the one person that I knew I could call on, no matter what, no matter where we were both at in our lives. He was literally only a phone call away.

When we reunited as adults, he sacrificed his job, business, money and time to support me through one of the toughest times in my life – my Pediatric Residency. He dropped everything in order to be there for me, as we began our new lives together.

If you’re a busy woman looking for simple ways to nurture your relationships, grab my FREE Nourishment Planner. It includes 60 ways to nurture your marriage, your kids, and yourself.

My husband is my biggest supporter, provider, and best friend. Read on to find out why I love my husband the most - just for his ability to keep it real.
Our wedding day, August 24, 2012

Fast forward to today – he is my protector, provider, an awesome dad, landscaper, handyman…and the list goes on. He’s my number one supporter no matter what crazy idea I may have (like starting a blog!). Check out my Resource Library for all of my awesome working mom resources.

I love him for all of that, but there is one thing that I love and appreciate the most about him, and that’s his ability to:


If you ever want to know the truth about something, ask my husband. If you ever want help making a decision, weighing all of the facts, ask my husband. He won’t sugar coat it. He’ll tell you exactly what you need to know. Not just what you want to hear.

If you make a bad decision, though, this can be frustrating. And I’ll tell you that for a while, it was for me. No one likes to be told they’re wrong, or that they made the wrong choice. Sometimes, I still have to remind myself to take a step back and really listen to what he’s telling me when he’s just keeping it real. There really isn’t anyone else in my life who will truly “call me out” when I’m wrong. He gives me the reality check that I need in my life. He keeps me accountable for my decisions – whether right or wrong.

I may not always recognize and appreciate it in the moment, but when I sit back and reflect on his “truth telling”, I realize how helpful and enlightening he truly is. I realize his truth telling is just that – THE TRUTH. In the end, if I listen to him, I’ll be a better, stronger wife, mom, and woman in general. 

He knows me

This man knows me better than anyone else in the world. Better than my parents, my best friends, my co-workers. He’s inherently a good person and is always looking out for me – looking to make my life easier and better, even when I don’t see it. He constantly pushes me to be better. That’s why I love my husband – above anything else he’s done for me – he just keeps it real.

My husband is my biggest supporter, provider, and best friend. Read on to find out why I love my husband the most - just for his ability to keep it real.

If you have a truth-telling, keep-it-real husband who constantly encourages you to be your best self, let him know how much you appreciate him! Here are some practical ways you can enhance your relationship. And let me know in the comments below!

If you’re a busy woman struggling to find time to nurture your man, join me for the 5-day Wifey Challenge. For 5 days, you’ll receive challenges geared towards strengthening your relationship and showing love and appreciation to your significant other. Whether you’re married, engaged, dating, or still waiting on your Prince Charming. You can still benefit a ton from these challenges. Just sign up below!

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My husband is my biggest supporter, provider, and best friend. Read on to find out why I love my husband the most - just for his ability to keep it real.

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