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I’ve been there. Writing my To-Do List on slips of paper or a napkin, only to forget where I wrote the list. Writing sticky notes and putting them all over, but forgetting to look at them. I’ve tried budget tracking worksheets. I’ve tried planner after planner without finding one that really met all of my needs. That was until I came across an awesome planner 4 years ago. The best planner for busy moms: the Living Well Planner.

As a working mom, having a good plan is a must! And you need a place to write those plans down. If you’re in the market for a new planner as you’re getting ready for the new school year, I highly recommend the Living Well Spending Less Planner! It’s created by a busy mom herself, and has been modified over the past few years based on feedback from her users. It honestly gets better every year. It has so many great features in one package. Let me tell you a little more about

Moms have to keep track of everything on a daily basis. Here's my review of the best planner for busy moms: The Living Well Planner.

This post contains affiliate links, which means that if you go through them to make a purchase, I may earn a commission (at no cost to you!). I only link these products because of their quality and my awesome personal experience with them, not because of the commission I receive from your purchases. Rest assured, I will never suggest a product I don’t 100% believe in.

Balanced Mom Starter Guide


Feeling overwhelmed by your endless “To Do” Lists? Our Balanced Mom Starter Guide will show you how to start feeling more balanced in just 4 easy steps. And it’s free for a limited time!

Planner Design

The Living Well Planner comes with a hard cover and two possible designs. My favorite cover is the floral print, which I have now. I’ve had the striped cover before this. The planner’s pages are thick and sturdy, compared to a lot of other planners I’ve used. The pages seem to get better and better every year. Each month is tabbed, so that it’s easy to flip from month-to-month. The dividers for each also has an inspirational quote to give you a little boost.

Moms have to keep track of everything on a daily basis. Here's my review of the best planner for busy moms: The Living Well Planner.


One thing that is unique about this planner compared to others I’ve used is it’s encouragement of goal-setting, and goal-crushing. The planner has dedicated pages for yearly goals, and also monthly goal-setting pages. This is an awesome feature, and is the main reason why I think the Living Well Planner is the best planner for busy moms. The goal-setting pages help me to set goals in different areas of my life, and also gives me a formula to help with accomplishing those goals. The “Goal Crushing” and “Project Planning Pages” are so well-designed. When I’m intentional about using these pages and writing everything down, I get so much done every month. I combine this with my Monthly Nourishment Planner, which helps me to build on my relationship goals.

Moms have to keep track of everything on a daily basis. Here's my review of the best planner for busy moms: The Living Well Planner.


As a wife and mom, not only do I have to keep track of my own schedule, but also the schedules of my 5 kids plus my husband! A great feature of this planner is the fact that it’s undated, so you can start using it at any time of the year. It has fun, colorful stickers that I use to label each month, and the different activities on my calendar. I usually color-code each family members’ activities so that I can easily track each one.

The planner has the usual monthly and weekly calendar layout. I typically list big dates and events for the month on the monthly calendar, then pull them into my daily hour-by-hour calendar. On the daily pages, there’s also a space for listing daily meals and a weekly shopping list. I use my Dinner Planning Worksheets to plan my meals for the week, then transfer over the daily meals to my planner. This way, I have everything in one centralized location.

Moms have to keep track of everything on a daily basis. Here's my review of the best planner for busy moms: The Living Well Planner.

Monthly Budget

Most planners focus on your calendar, but not so much your budget. I love the Living Well Planner because it has a monthly budget spreadsheet, along with a place to write out my monthly expenses as they come up. It really helps me to keep my finances in check. Of course, I keep my planner secure so that this information isn’t spread all over the place!

Moms have to keep track of everything on a daily basis. Here's my review of the best planner for busy moms: The Living Well Planner.

Personal Pages

To keep the planner a little more personal, there is a “Thoughts & Thanks” page as well as a “Notes & Ideas” page for each month. I use the “Thoughts & Thanks” pages every month to reflect on the month as its passing, almost like a journal. It helps me to remember who has made a difference in my life for that month, and what I’m grateful for. The “Notes & Ideas” pages help me to get ready for the next month, or my next big project.

Moms have to keep track of everything on a daily basis. Here's my review of the best planner for busy moms: The Living Well Planner.

I’ve used a lot of planners in my life, and this one is by far the most comprehensive. It’s such a great value. I only rave about things that I think are beneficial – and this is one of those things. As a working wife and mom, this planner has helped me to be a lot more intentional about goal-planning (and crushing), budgeting, sticking to my meal plan, and expressing gratitude. I carry it with me everywhere!

I encourage you to get your own planner here! You can get it alone, as a part of the Productivity Bundle or Crush It Collection. These packages have added bonuses that help with daily planning. Pass this on to your busy, working mom friends and family – the best planner for busy moms: The Living Well Planner!

If you have any experience with the Living Well Planner, have any questions for me, or have any other great planner suggestions, leave them in the comments below!

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Moms have to keep track of everything on a daily basis. Here's my review of the best planner for busy moms: The Living Well Spending Less Planner.
Balanced Mom Starter Guide


Feeling overwhelmed by your endless “To Do” Lists? Our Balanced Mom Starter Guide will show you how to start feeling more balanced in just 4 easy steps. And it’s free for a limited time!

If you love these tips, be sure to check out my 170+ page digital library, filled with step-by-step instructions and  the tools you need to create effective routines, manage your time, prepare meals,  clean your home, care for your kids – and so much more!

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