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Do you find yourself having a tough time keeping it together when your kids are driving you nuts? Keep reading to learn how to be more patient with your kids.

Have you ever caught yourself right before saying something you know you shouldn’t say to your kids? Being patient with your kids is not easy. As a working mom to 5 kids, I have had a ton of long days at work, followed by running errands, then cooking dinner when I get home, helping with homework, and running our bedtime routine. Of course, when things are the busiest is when my kids decide to not be focused, forgetting their responsibilities and not help around the house.

If you’ve been in this position, you know how easy it is to lose it when it’s getting close to bedtime, and everyone’s behind schedule. You start raising your voice and yelling for everyone to do what they need to do so they can get off to sleep. Believe me, I’ve been there many, many times!

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Why you should be patient with your kids

Though it’s understandable, as moms we all know that “losing it” with our kids isn’t the best option for anyone involved. Being more patient with your kids has its rewards. Studies have shown that your kids are more likely to listen to you when you’re patient and calm rather than when you’re yelling. You may be yelling to get their attention, but many times it has the opposite effect. They might end up looking at you as the “crazy lady” in the house instead of a loving mom who cares about them.

Being patient with your kids can make your relationship with them better overall. Your kids will actually believe that you like and love them when you’re patient. You will also set a good example and teach THEM how to be patient with others (not just “do as I say”, but “do as I do”). It is amazing how your patience can have a snowball effect – decreasing sibling rivalry and making your home happier in general.


How to be more patient with your kids

I know it may be hard at times, but here are a few tips for being more patient with your kids:

1. Get more control of your own day.

Set up effective routines for yourself so you aren’t as stressed. When you personally feel overwhelmed and out of control, it’s easier to lose patience with your kids.

2. Set aside time just for your kids.

Set aside time for homework help, assisting your kids with tasks, one-on-one time with no distractions, and playtime. Many times, kids act up when they want your attention. Providing them with your undivided attention can help to shape better behavior and help you to be more patient.

3. Set aside time for yourself.

Self-care is an excellent mood booster. It allows you to relax more and to be more patient. Eat and sleep well. Treat yourself every now and then. Do something you love regularly. Take a break. This can be a brief break – just locking yourself in the bathroom for a few minutes to gather yourself for example. Or it can also be a night out with your friends or a weekend away. It’s tough to meet everyone else’s needs if yours aren’t met first. You just end up stressed, frustrated, and impatient. You can’t pour from an empty cup!

4. Get to know your kids.

Understand their strengths and weakness. Know what you need to help them with, and what areas you can give them freedom. Help them to avoid situations that will stress them (and you!) out. Ex: cranky when they need a nap or something to eat – try to avoid their ”triggers” the best you can.

5. Remind yourself that they grow up very, very fast!

Enjoy these moments while you can, no matter how tough it may be at times. One day you’ll look back and realize it was all worth it!

It can be hard as a busy mom to keep your cool when your kids aren’t doing the right thing. Whether they’re taking too long to do something, breaking the rules, not taking care of their responsibilities at home and school. Kids are not perfect, and neither are we as moms. Use these tips to decrease some of the stress in your home and practice more patience with your children.

Other helpful resources related to being patient with your kids:

Balanced Mom Starter Guide


Feeling overwhelmed by your endless “To Do” Lists? Our Balanced Mom Starter Guide will show you how to start feeling more balanced in just 4 easy steps. And it’s free for a limited time!

If you love these tips, be sure to check out my 170+ page digital library, filled with step-by-step instructions and  the tools you need to create effective routines, manage your time, prepare meals,  clean your home, care for your kids – and so much more!

Want to remember these tips on being more patient with your kids? Pin this, and share with your family and friends:

How To Be More Patient With Your Kids How To Relax And Enjoy Parenting

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