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Do you have a hard time relaxing as a mom? Keep reading for suggestions on how to relax your mind, recharge, and de-stress as a mom.

Have you ever thought about your brain as a web browser with “too many tabs open” at one time? If you’re a working wife and mom, you likely know exactly what I mean! Not only do you have your own life to worry about, but you also have your kids and husband to take care of as well. Being a wife and mom comes with an endless list of tasks and responsibilities. It can be easy to forget about your own needs while everyone else’s needs are being met. You feel guilty even thinking about stepping away for a moment.

Balanced Mom Starter Guide


Feeling overwhelmed by your endless “To Do” Lists? Our Balanced Mom Starter Guide will show you how to start feeling more balanced in just 4 easy steps. And it’s free for a limited time!

Benefits of recharging yourself

But sometimes you need to get away and take a break for yourself. It’s a must, since it comes with so many benefits. When you’re constantly pouring into your family and don’t have any time for yourself, you can start to feel resentful. But, when you finally decide to shift your focus to yourself, you end up happier since you can make progress towards your own personal goals. Your happiness ends up making your relationships that much better. This ends up making you feel less stressed, anxious and worried. Plus you end up sleeping better and improving your health in the long run.

How to relax your mind, recharge, and de-stress as a mom

So, how exactly do you find the time to relax and de-stress as a mom? It’s not a perfect science, but here are a few of my best suggestions:

1. Block out time in your schedule.

Make an appointment with yourself, write it down and don’t cancel! Treat it as just as important as any other meeting or appointment on your schedule. If you don’t block out the time, it will never happen. Believe me, I know!

2. Have a plan for your day.

This helps to minimize the overwhelm in your life. Get up earlier or go to bed a little later than everyone else so you have some quiet time to yourself to get things done. Block out more time in your schedule than you anticipate for your tasks. Make your schedule realistic so you don’t stress yourself out even more when you can’t get your planned tasks done. Having a plan will help you to be more efficient, which will make you feel better about yourself, and have more time to wind down at the end of the day. You’ll sleep better, too, when you aren’t worried about all the things you didn’t get done or stressing about the next day.

3. Make a plan for your week.

I normally do this on the Friday before the next week starts. Knowing that I have a plan in place to get things done next week has helped me to have my mind “free” on the weekend. That way, I can really focus on my family during my time with them, yet still be efficient and get things done when they’re planned.

4. Plan for alone time.

It’s helpful to take a break for even a day, night or a weekend. I know this isn’t always easy to arrange, and I know how guilty you may feel doing this as a busy mom. But find a way to clear your schedule for a mental health break. Spend some time just doing the things that you enjoy, without having to cater to everyone else’s needs. This can be rejuvenating!

5. Stay in touch with family and friends.

Have people in your life that you can talk to about anything other than marriage and kids. A support system is so critical to your emotional health.

6. Keep your own interests.

I know how easy it is to get wrapped up in your kids’ activities, or the interests you share with your husband, and to lose yourself in the process. I encourage you to dig deep and remember the things you used to enjoy years ago. Whether it’s dancing, painting, reading, or DIY projects – set aside time to enjoy your own interests.

7. Take care of your physical body.

Focus on sleeping and eating well. Get regular physical activity and drink plenty of water throughout the day. It may be hard to keep up with all of this when you’re busy taking care of everyone else, but your physical health is vital to your being able to keep up with all your responsibilities. This is the one area you don’t want to cut yourself short because you can’t help others if you aren’t well yourself!

8. Have a regular “do nothing” day.

This can be once week, once a month, or whenever you can fit it in. It’s so important to decompress and just clear your mind and schedule. Spend some time just relaxing, with no plan, no commitments, no household tasks. Just enjoying a day with nothing to do.

There are many emotional and physical benefits that come with taking time for yourself as a mom. Don’t feel guilty. You are no good to anyone else if you aren’t your best self. You can’t pour from an empty cup, so be sure to keep filling yours as you continue to give of yourself to everyone else.

Other helpful resources related to relaxing, recharging, and de-stressing as a mom:

Balanced Mom Starter Guide


Feeling overwhelmed by your endless “To Do” Lists? Our Balanced Mom Starter Guide will show you how to start feeling more balanced in just 4 easy steps. And it’s free for a limited time!

If you love these tips, be sure to check out my 170+ page digital library, filled with step-by-step instructions and  the tools you need to create effective routines, manage your time, prepare meals,  clean your home, care for your kids – and so much more!


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How to relax your mind, recharge, and de-stress as a mom

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