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If you’re reading this, you’ve likely been hit with the news, just like we have. Schools have just shut down in our county, at least for the next two weeks. We’re not sure if it’ll be longer. Luckily, the following week was our regularly-scheduled spring break. But, this extra week off was unexpected. The kids aren’t complaining, though! They’re feeling a lot like this:

Coronavirus (COVID-19) has shut down a lot of schools. Since kids are home unexpectedly, here are some tips for keeping kids busy while social distancing.

But, we’re taking COVID-19 seriously and limiting our contact with others the best we can. I still have to work in the office, but my husband will be working from home for at least the next 2 weeks. He’s the lucky guy that gets to stay home with all 5 kids.

Is it wrong for me to admit that I’m not jealous?!?!

With that being said, even though I won’t be home with them this week, I’m already anticipating the huge amounts of food and supplies I’ll have to replenish since they’re not in school. I don’t know about you, but just on a regular 2-day weekend, these kids eat non-stop and get so bored easily. Then they eat some more just because they’re bored! So with extra, unexpected time home, I know we need a plan.

But, social distancing…

The hardest part is modifying our regular stay-at-home plans to fit into “social distancing”. Because we want to limit the spread of COVID-19, we’re staying home for the most part. We can’t do a lot of our regular activities. We can’t go a lot of our usual places – for our health and the health of our community.

Social distancing is intended to reduce the probability of contact between persons carrying an infection, and others who are not infected, so as to minimize disease transmission, morbidity and ultimately, mortality.

And I recommend you and your family do the same!

So, here are a few suggestions for keeping your kids busy while social distancing:

Give them some structure

To keep your sanity, I recommend keeping your kids on a schedule. You can use this handy schedule template as a guide. They should still get up, change their clothes, and brush their teeth and hair as they would on a regular school day (maybe just not quite as early). Chores should still be done. Have scheduled meal/snack times too, if you can. That way, they won’t over-do it and eat you out of house and home. They also won’t be eating just because they’re bored – contributing to childhood obesity!

Have extra supplies

Of course you’ll need to have food and extra supplies on hand, since your kids will be home. Plan to gather the supplies you’ll need for any activities you’ll want to do at home ahead of time. Be sure to have extra paper goods (don’t go crazy on the toilet paper now!), personal care items, hand sanitizer, etc. Anything that you need on a regular basis, be sure to have extra on hand since they’ll likely be going through it all at warp speed.

Schedule learning/academic time

As a part of the daily structure, plan some learning/academic time. This should probably be at the beginning of the day, when your kids are the most alert and awake. Contact your kids’ teachers to find out if they have specific assignments they’d like completed. School systems usually have loads of resources available to students on their websites as well.

Schedule creative time

Fit in some time to allow their creative juices to flow. Examples include cooking, baking, arts & crafts, painting, building with legos, playing with playdoh. Play on any of your child’s creative interests. One idea is to have your kids use all of their building toys to make one giant structure.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) has shut down a lot of schools. Since kids are home unexpectedly, here are some tips for keeping kids busy while social distancing.

Fit in outdoor play

Even while “social distancing”, your child is still free to play outside. I do want you to stay away from playdates, crowds, and really anyone outside of your immediate family. But, feel free to go for a walk or run together. Use sidewalk chalk, bubbles, or outdoor sports equipment for different activities. To make things even more fun, you can have relay races like egg-and-spoon, 3-legged race, crabwalk, etc. Add in some water play – like fun in the pool, slip n slide, playing in the sprinklers, or water balloon fights.

Getting fresh air is a great way to take your minds off of what’s going on in the world, and to keep their bodies nice and fit.

Do some yard work

Kids love to play outside and get dirty. If you have some planting that needs to be done, have them help out. Plant a garden together and teach them how to take care of it and watch it grow over the next few months. Kids can also help with pulling weeds and tending to landscaping.

Learn something new (ex: a new skill)

Have your kids pick something they want to learn about, and spend at least 30 minutes each day on it. It can be something that your child can look up and read about. Or a new skill like riding a bike, learning to skate, learning to swim, a new instrument, sewing, drawing, etc.

Play board games

Nothing like a little ol’ school Monopoly, Scrabble, or Sorry to bring some fun. Board games can be fun, educational and competitive! Card games and puzzles can also be just as fun.

Have a movie day

Have a movie night or DAY if you want to. I give you permission to spend an entire day just being couch potatoes, and relaxing with a few good movies. This is when Disney+ can really come in handy!

Have a reading day

Just like a movie day, you can also spend a day just going through as many picture books in your house as you can. Read to your kids or have them read to you.

Have a sleep over

No, I don’t want your kids sleeping over at anyone else’s house during this time. I mean, pulling out the sleeping bags or air mattresses and having everyone sleep in the same room. You can double this with movie night. And top it off with a good old fashioned pillow fight. Playing wholesome (safe) pranks on the first person to fall asleep can also add to the fun (hehe).

Coronavirus (COVID-19) has shut down a lot of schools. Since kids are home unexpectedly, here are some tips for keeping kids busy while social distancing.

Pull out the old stuff

Now’s the time to pull out all the old coloring books, activity books and kits your kids may have played with once and forgotten about.


While school is out, it’s a good time to go through your kids’ back packs to make sure they’re clean, organized, and ready for when school starts again. Spend some time doing a deep clean of each room in your house. Have your kids help you in their rooms and anywhere else you see fit. They can help to get rid of old clothes, shoes, and toys to donate.

To make your decluttering a little easier, download my Declutter Planning Worksheets from my Resource Library by dropping your e-mail below!

Play dress up

Pull out old Halloween costumes and have everyone dress up. You can even put on a show and have everyone play the part. Dress up/pretend play is probably the best type of play there is!

Have a spa day

You don’t have to leave home for this! If you’ve got girls, take turns giving each other a makeover. Hair, nails, makeup – whatever their heart desires!

Have a dance party

You may not be able to make it out on the town, but there’s nothing like an all-out dance party with your kids! Just turn on the music and dance!

Stay in touch

Encourage your kids to stay in touch with their friends and family members during this time. They can make phone calls or use Facetime. Better yet, have them sharpen their writing skills by sending hand-written letters or e-mails.

Have one-on-one time

Now’s a great time to build in some quality time with your kids. They may not be used to having you home, or having your attention for long periods of time. So, take advantage of it. Set aside 15 minutes (or more) for one-on-one time with each kid. Let them pick the activity, and just do it! This is also a great time to reconnect and reassure your kids. Find out how they feel about what’s going on in the world around them. They may not fully understand it all, and that’s OK. Address any fears or concerns they may have, and let them know you’re there for them through all of it. You can also use my printable love notes to show them how much you care about them!

Coronavirus (COVID-19) has shut down a lot of schools. Since kids are home unexpectedly, here are some tips for keeping kids busy while social distancing.

For more ideas on awesome things to do to occupy this time, fill out the box below! You’ll get my Nourishment Planner with 60 practical ways to nurture your marriage, your kids, and yourself. You’ll also get access to my Resource Library filled with other handy printables. Plus my weekly newsletter filled with my personal stories, lessons learned, and tips on making it through this journey as a working wife and mom.

Of course, remind your kids about the importance of washing their hands and keeping things clean so that we can all get back to work and school ASAP!

I wish you and your family the best of luck and good health while we ride this thing out! Please, please, please adhere to the recommendations of social distancing so that we don’t overwhelm our health care system and we can limit the impact Coronavirus (COVID-19) has on our communities! Stay safe!

Check out these other helpful COVID-19 posts:

Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Protecting Your Kids

Why Are Schools Closed For COVID-19?

Maintaining Your Marriage While Social Distancing

The Positive Side of Social Distancing

I highly recommend grabbing my printable Daily Schedule Template and Sample Schedule to keep things organized during this time. Just drop your e-mail below and they’ll be delivered RIGHT to your inbox.

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