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Memorial Day will be very different this year. With COVID-19 still around, life is still very different for much of the country. Memorial Day is usually filled with barbecues, pool parties, and celebrations. Things that put kids at huge risk, especially since the number one cause of death in kids is accidents. With this in mind, you can still have an enjoyable start to the summer, while remembering those who gave their lives protecting our country. Here are a few tips for keeping your kids safe this Memorial Day.

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Social Distancing

Even though states have been easing their social distancing guidelines, it’s important to keep your family safe. COVID-19 is still around, and until everyone can be fully protected by a vaccine, there’s no real guarantee of safety – especially when it comes to our kids. Continue to avoid large crowds and wear a mask whenever you’re out in public. Outdoor gatherings are still the safest. And if you choose to stay in, don’t feel bad! You can still barbecue, swim in a private pool, and have fun at home with your family.

Water safety

I’ve previously talked about drowning prevention and can’t talk about it enough. Taking precautions is important year round, but especially over the summertime. Teach your kids how to swim. And be sure that you know how to swim, too. That way, you can jump in the water and save them if necessary! Keep your kids in sight at all times, even if they do know how to swim. Ensure there’s a barrier around all bodies of water that you come close to, in case your kids wander off without you knowing. There should be an adult “Water Watcher” on duty whenever there are kids in water, to keep an eye on the kids and keep them safe. Drowning happens far too frequently and much too quickly. Please, please, please keep your kids safe!

On Memorial Day we remember those who died, fighting for our country. Here are tips for keeping your kids safe this memorial day and free from accidents.

Sun safety

Sunscreen is recommended for all kids 6 months and up who will be spending time outdoors in the sun. If your baby is younger than 6 months and direct sunlight is unavoidable, sunscreen can still be applied. Of course, dressing your kids appropriately to prevent sunburn also helps. Rash guards and wide brimmed hats help to minimize too much direct sun exposure. We all need our Vitamin D, but too much sun can be a bad thing in the long run!

Playtime Safety

Even with social distancing in place, your kids can still have fun outdoors. But, you still have to keep them safe! Supervise your kids at all times to minimize broken bones and other accidents. No mini dare devils allowed! Make sure kids are wearing their helmets when riding bikes, scooters, or skates. Helmets save so many lives every single day. Teach them to be aware of their surroundings, avoid strangers, and avoid passing cars to avoid accidents.

Fire safety

Too often, I’ve taken care of young patients with burns. Whether they touch the stove, a grill, pull a pot of hot water down on themselves, or get to close to a fire pit. Be sure to closely monitor all hot surfaces to prevent serious burn injuries in your kids. Set up a barrier so that young children can’t even get close. Treat any burns immediately with cool water (not ice!) for comfort, clean the skin well, and cover with a bandage. If there is oozing or the burn is severe, take a trip to your nearest urgent care center or emergency room to have it checked out. Try your very best to avoid these injuries at all costs!

On Memorial Day we remember those who died, fighting for our country. Here are tips for keeping your kids safe this memorial day and free from accidents.

Food Safety

We won’t be having any large gatherings or picnic this year. But, if you’re eating outdoors with your family this Memorial Day, be sure to keep your food safe. Certain bacteria and viruses can be spread through foods. Be sure to avoid any foods that are easily spoiled if left out in the heat. Things like potato salad, macaroni salad, coleslaw, etc should be kept chilled. All meats (especially poultry and beef) should be cooked thoroughly to avoid serious infections like Salmonella. If in doubt – don’t let your kids eat it! Be sure to watch younger kids closely to avoid choking hazards as well.

On Memorial Day we remember those who died, fighting for our country. Here are tips for keeping your kids safe this memorial day and free from accidents.

I hope you and your family have an enjoyable Memorial Day and summer kick-off! Be sure to remember those who have given their lives to keep this country free and safe. And do what you can to keep your kids safe this Memorial Day and all summer long.

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On Memorial Day we remember those who died, fighting for our country. Here are tips for keeping your kids safe this memorial day and free from accidents.
Balanced Mom Starter Guide


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