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Are you ready for Christmas yet??!! If your house is anything like mine, your kids have probably changed their minds a few times about what their #1 gift is for Christmas. Just this morning, my 6 year-old decided she needed to give our Elf-on-the-shelf a new list to bring back to Santa! Talk about last minute. And the things on the list are totally random things like a Polaroid camera (which we already have) and a phone (which she isn’t getting). Every year around Christmas I get worried and overwhelmed by the clutter that comes along with it. We’re all better off thinking of smart Christmas gifts for kids. Things that’ll help their mind and body and not add to the crazy clutter. Hopefully the list below will also help you if you’re having a hard time figuring out what to get for a kid that seems to have it all.

Sometimes it's hard to find a Christmas gift for children in our lives. Check out this list of ideas for smart Christmas gifts for kids who have it all.

Things to keep them active

Yep, I’m taking it back to the “old school” with this one. With all the electronics nowadays, kids are really missing out on the fun of playing outside. I remember getting so excited when I got a new bike or roller skates on Christmas as a kid. If you’re going to spend money on more “stuff” for your kids, invest in things that’ll keep them physical fit. And make sure they actually use them! If they’re into things with wheels – a bike, roller skates, skate board, scooter can keep them busy. Don’t forget the helmet to go along with it!

If your kids are into a specific sport, pick up things they’ll need to excel at it. Whether it’s a ball, other equipment, clothes and shoes, or even lessons to sharpen their skills.

If your child has been dying to play a sport or take on a new activity like gymnastics or dance, sign them up as a Christmas present!

Physical activity is so important for your kids, to prevent childhood obesity and long-term health consequences. Keep this in mind as you round up your Christmas shopping.

Cooking classes

Many places now offer cooking classes for kids. You can either cook along your kids, or have older kids learn by themselves. Of course, cooking is a skill they’ll need for the future, so why not get started now? When kids learn to cook, they’re also more likely to eat healthier, and to actually eat the things they cook. Cooking also teaches them valuable lessons like measuring and following directions.

Active video games

If you can’t break your kids away from video games, at least offer active choices, like Just Dance. Once my kids get started on this one, it’s hard to get them to stop. I’ve played with them, and have broken a sweat a few times!

Swimming lessons

Not only can swimming keep your kids active. Swimming lessons can also save their life!

Driving lessons

If you have a teen in your home who just can’t wait to drive (like mine!), driving lessons for Christmas may be a great idea. I put this in the category of “smart and healthy” Christmas gifts because accidents are the leading causes of death for teens. So, it’s best to get them started on the right foot when it comes to learning to drive.

Gym membership

If your kids are old enough, look into a gym membership for them. I’m not saying for them to lift a ton of weights. But, just getting your teen active and out of the house is so important. For younger kids, look into gift cards for places like Planet Air, Off the Wall, or the WOW Factory. Places that’ll keep them active, moving, and away from a screen.


This may not keep your kids physically active, but will of course keep their mind and imagination going. Physical books or downloadable books for a Kindle will make a quick, easy gift.

College fund

No matter your child’s age, it’s never too early to start thinking about a college fund. Solicit help from family members and friends to add to your fund as a Christmas (or birthday) present for your child. Your child may not love the idea if they’re thinking short-term. But, it’s a smart idea that’ll save you a lot in the long run!


If your child has specific hobbies or interests, look into buying a gift that fits those interests. Whether it’s a concert ticket, mini vacation, or a class to better their skills. Give them something that’s memorable, rather than something that’ll just take up space and be forgotten in a week. Gifts like these are usually more thoughtful and mean a whole lot more. It may not necessarily target their physical health, but it’s good for their mental health (which is just as important!).

Whether you’re looking for a gift for your kids, grandkids, nieces or nephews, I hope this brief list will come in handy. I hope you’re able to focus on meaningful gifts this Christmas. Teach your kids gratitude. Teach them true value. And keep them healthy while you’re at it!

Feel free to share with friends and family members who may be having a hard time finding gifts for your kids.

Sometimes it's hard to find a Christmas gift for children in our lives. Check out this list of ideas for smart Christmas gifts for kids who have it all.

Do you have any other smart, healthy Christmas gift ideas for kids? Please leave them in the comments below!

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Sometimes it's hard to find a Christmas gift for children in our lives. Check out this list of ideas for smart Christmas gifts for kids who have it all.

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