Sharing is caring!

I’ve been too quiet for too long. We’re too far into this thing for people to still not be caring. Coronavirus COVID-19 first hit the news months ago. Back then, I talked to a lot of people who felt bad for the countries being affected. But they weren’t really “concerned”. Once we started getting our first cases in the US, more people were concerned, but many still weren’t taking a ton of precautions. Even now, with the number of cases and the death toll rising, I still see posts on social media, news clips, or overhear people downplaying the seriousness of it all. People are convinced the media is “sensationalizing” this whole thing. In their minds, it’s not as big of a deal as everyone else is making it.

In the Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic, it's important for everyone to play their role and practice social distancing. Not caring about COVID-19 is not OK.

Now, I’m not talking about all the quarantine jokes and memes that are out there. We all need a good laugh in the midst of all of this.

But, I’m talking about those who aren’t taking the necessary precautions because they just don’t believe the “hype”.

These posts REALLY bother me, but I can’t ignore them. I find myself reading through the comments. And other people actually agreeing! People seriously wanting sports to start back up. They want to go to the movies. And go back to sitting down and enjoying their favorite restaurants. The pandemic is not a real, tangible thing in their eyes. They believe it’s just “made up” or a “conspiracy”. So many just want to selfishly get back to their regular lives. Forgetting about all the lives being lost.

Not caring about COVID-19 is NOT OK.

Because on the other hand, I read tons of posts everyday that tell a very different story. Personal testimonies of physicians who lost family members or co-workers to COVID-19. People begging for prayers and medical advice. Anything they can get to help save the life of a loved one being kept alive by a ventilator. Stories about grandparents, parents, even young people who were relatively healthy. All succumbing to this terrible disease.

For those who are doubting the government or the media. For those who are convinced this is some sort of “made up thing” just meant to seclude us all. Wake up, please. People are dying from COVID-19.

Not caring about COVID-19 is NOT OK.

The most vulnerable around us are at risk. I’m lucky that I haven’t had a loved one affected. But I’m also smart enough to know that just because I haven’t felt it myself doesn’t mean it isn’t real. I feel the pain these families are feeling. Having loved ones die alone because of the restrictions and the fear of spread in hospital Emergency Rooms and ICU’s.

Yes, the recovery rate from COVID-19 has been huge. But, we’re still very much in the midst of this, and haven’t yet seen the “peak” for our country. Yes, a lot of people get a ton of other diseases every year, so it leaves doubters questioning why this one is such a big deal. In short, there are a lot of unknowns, it’s VERY contagious, VERY aggressive in the most vulnerable of people, and lives for a LONG time on surfaces. No, I don’t want anyone to live in fear or with loads of anxiety. But, you also can’t live in ignorance.

Coronavirus COVID-19 is real.

Healthcare workers and so many other “essential employees” are putting their lives on the line every single day. I know a lot of people are complaining about being stuck at home with their kids. I get it. They’re eating all your food. Making huge messes. And driving you crazy all day, every day. But, a lot of us are still going in to work. We’re still there to take care of you, your kids, your parents. Believe me, we’d rather be safe at home.

We worry about catching COVID-19 ourselves, getting sick and dying. That’s the absolute truth. We worry about bringing it home to our kids or our elderly parents. Did we wash our hands enough? Did we change in and out of our Personal Protective Equipment the right way? Should we have put on a mask for that patient, who seemed to be healthy?

So please stop with the nonchalant posts. Stop spreading false information. Sure, freedom of speech is a right. But, it’s offensive to downplay this battle that healthcare teams all over the world are fighting. It’s a huge slap in the face for the reality we’re facing. It’s unfair to us all.

In the Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic, it's important for everyone to play their role and practice social distancing. Not caring about COVID-19 is not OK.

Please do what you can to protect yourself and your family. Help flatten the curve by staying home and limiting contact with others. Even if you’re not in a “high-risk” category, play your part by walking your hands and social distancing to protect our most vulnerable. This is not a time to be selfish. We don’t know when life will get back to normal for us. But, in the meantime, take advantage of this extra time to spend with those who mean the most to you. Not caring about COVID-19 is NOT OK.

If you’re looking for more COVID-19 info and tips, here are a few related posts:

Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Protecting Your Kids

Why Are Schools Closed For COVID-19?

Keeping Kids Busy While Social Distancing

The Positive Side of Social Distancing

Maintaining Your Marriage While Social Distancing

Homeschooling And Distance Learning During COVID-19

Taking Care Of Yourself While Social Distancing

And if you’re doing the right thing and staying in, but need a few ideas to occupy this time, you can grab my Nourishment Planner below. It includes 60 practical ways to nurture your marriage, your kids, and yourself. You’ll also get access to my Resource Library filled with other handy printables. Plus my weekly newsletter with my personal stories, lessons learned, and tips on making it through this journey as a working wife and mom.

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In the Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic, it's important for everyone to play their role and practice social distancing. Not caring about COVID-19 is not OK.

Sharing is caring!
